Sarah looks forward to welcoming you to This Ancient Boro Alehouse & Tapas Bar.
Sarah looks forward to welcoming you to This Ancient Boro Alehouse & Tapas Bar.
Sarah looks forward to welcoming you to This Ancient Boro Alehouse & Tapas Bar.
Sarah looks forward to welcoming you to This Ancient Boro Alehouse & Tapas Bar.

This Ancient Boro’ was formally known as the Honeymoon Chinese Restaurant and prior to that Loong Sing Chinese Restaurant dating back to 1968. But prior to closing it’s doors in 1968 the site had for many years been a Public House and had been owned by Whitbread and known as This Ancient Boro’, prior to that it had been managed by a Obadieh Edwards (the family are still affiliated with the town) owned by The Tenterden Brewery and called The New Inn. Therefore, having acquired the site in May 2018, it seemed only right and fitting that it should return to it’s former name. There are still many people in the area that can still remember it as a pub.

The new incarnation of the site is a mixture of the old pub itself and the relatively new idea of a Micro-pub. It has all the appeal of the Micro-pub idea, which is, NO GAMING MACHINES AND NO PROLONGED TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS. (Our ethos is if you wish to hold a long telephone conversation, by all means use our seated area outside). The main variation from the original idea of a Micro pub (which is the Butchers Arms at Herne in Kent) is that we are doing food in the form of Tapas, which we feel will be as sociable as a micro-pub is intended to be. We have a wide range of Ales and Ciders, changing regularly we also provide different styles of beer (such as Porters, Stout’s and Mild’s along with various Bitter’s) from around the country. Cruzcampo Sevilla Lager and Nightbird Cider are available on tap. We offer a wide range of Gin, Rum and Wine, with Anno from Marden in Kent supplying our House Gin and House Vodka.  We are also Dog Friendly, offering treats and plenty of water.






Uniquely fresh tasting with subtle and supportive citrus notes that are perfectly balanced by naturally sourced quinine from the Rwanda Congo border


Made by using Fructose (fruit sugars) and naturally sourced quinine from the Rwanda Congo border, with 46% fewer calories than Fever-Tree Indian Tonic Water


Soft, subtle flavours of handpicked English elderflowers give a perfect balance to the tonic’s natural quinine


By using rosemary and lemon-thyme from the shores of Provence, Fever-Tree have created a unique tonic with a delicately sweet herbaceous taste

LEMON TONIC WATER (35 kcal/100ml)

Made with only the finest Sicilian lemons, using the ‘sfumatrice’ extraction method to produce a refreshing citrus taste

AROMATIC TONIC WATER (37 kcal/100ml)

Made using South American angostura bark, perfectly balanced with sweet, spicy notes of cardamom, ginger, vanilla and pimento berry

GINGER ALE (34 kcal/100ml)

Made with a blend of three rare and unique gingers from Cochin, Nigeria and Ivory Coast, to give an incredibly aromatic ginger ale

GINGER BEER (37 kcal/100ml)

A blend of three different rare and unique ginger roots from Cochin, Nigeria and Ivory Coast, have been used to make an authentic fiery ginger beer

SICILIAN LEMONADE (35 kcal/100ml)

By blending ‘sfumatrice’ lemon extracts from the finest Sicilian lemons, Fever-Tree have crafted a perfectly balanced cloudy lemonade


GINGER BEER (37 kcal/100ml)

A blend of three different rare and unique ginger roots from Cochin, Nigeria and Ivory Coast, have been used to make an authentic fiery ginger beer


A sweet, delicate clementine taste is combined with subtle cinnamon and Fever-Trees signature earthy Nigerian ginger


Soft, subtle flavours of handpicked English elderflowers give a perfect balance to the tonics natural quinine

MADAGASCAN COLA (36 kcal/100ml)

A rich blend of citrus and spice from around the world, made to enhance and complement the finest rums, whiskies and bourbons

SODA WATER (0 kcal/100ml)

Made with the softest spring water and carbonated to perfection to create an impeccable fizz

  • TERRA MOLINO AIREN SAUVIGNON BLANC 125ml £4.50 | 175ml £6.00 | 250ml £8.00 | 75cl £21.00

    Bright citrus characteristics on the nose with vibrant apple fruit flavours and a zesty twang on the palate with hints of grapefruit

  • LOS PASTOS CHARDONNAY 125ml £5.00 | 175ml £6.50 | 250ml £8.40 | 75cl £22.00

    A smooth and satisfying Chardonnay with ripe peach and pineapple flavours with a hint of creamy richness

  • CORTEFRESCA PINOT GRIGIO 125ml £5.25 | 175ml £7.00 | 250ml £8.50 | 75cl £23.50

    An elegant Italian, soft and dry white wine with excellent flinty minerality

  • CHOZA RIOJA VIURA BLANCO 125ml £6.00 | 175ml £7.50 | 250ml £8.90 | 75cl £27.50

    Aromas of fruity notes accompanied by citrus fruits with a well balanced palate with a pleasant acidity and harmonious aftertaste


    With the characteristics of a New Zealand Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, this wine has flavours and aromas of mown grass, green fig and ripe gooseberry

  • FRASCATI VILLA CONTI 75cl £30.00

    A fine Italian Frascati from Lazio, straw yellow colour. Intense, with a characteristic and delicate aroma. Dry, savoury, soft, fine, velvety taste

  • TERRA MOLINO TEMPRANILLO ROSE 125ml £4.50 | 175ml £6.00 | 250ml £8.00 | 75cl £21.00

    A light pink colour with a nose filled with crisp aromas of red fruits. In the mouth it is very lively, with good acidity and distinctive flavours of cherries, cranberry, redcurrant and strawberries

  • SENTINA PINOT GRIGIO ROSE 125ml £5.25 | 175ml £7.00 | 250ml £8.50 | 75cl £23.50

    Dry, light and pleasantly sourish flavoured Italian blush rose. An excellent valued popular wine.

  • ARTESA RIOJA ROSADO 125ml £6.00 | 175ml £7.50 | 250ml £8.90 | 75cl £27.50

    A rounded, medium bodied, dry rose. Gently fruity on the nose with strawberry and cherry aromas, quite full in flavour with soft berry fruits and spiciness on the finish

  • COTES DE PROVENCE ROSE, VIEILLE TOUR 125ml £7.50 | 175ml £9.00 | 250ml £12.50 | 75cl £36.00

    A perfect pink, soft ripe and juicy on the palate and a nose of sweet ripe berries. An appealing and very drinkable Provence Rose

  • TERRA MOLINO TEMPRANILLO 125ML £4.50 | 175ML £6.00 | 250ml £8.00 | 75CL £21.00

    This is a fruity medium to full-bodied red wine with a rich palate showing charming juicy strawberry notes married with spice and vanilla tones

  • LAS MONTANAS MEROT 125ML £5.00 | 175ML £6.50 | 250ml £8.40 | 75CL £22.00

    A typical Chilean Merlot with a rich mix of blackcurrant and plum flavours and a hint of leather supported by wonderful soft tannins

  • TELEGRAPH ROAD SHIRAZ-VIOGNIER 125ml £5.25 | 175ml £7.00 | 250ml £8.50 | 75cl £23.50

    A super blend of warming, peppery blackcurrant robust Shiraz with the headily perfumed apricot and peach flavoured Viognier

  • MALBEC RESERVE PARA DOS 125ml £6.00 | 175ml £7.50 | 250ml £8.90 | 75cl £27.50

    The wine shows a deep purple appearance, delivering floral aromas with the intensity of violets, fruit of the forest, mocha and strong mineral tones

  • CHOZA RIOJA RESERVA 125ml £7.50 | 175ml £9.00 | 250ml £10.00 | 75cl £30.00

    Unctuous and powerful on the palate showing its warmth and structure this oaked Tempranillo Reserva has spicy aromas of roasted coffee and vanilla and new wood

  • FLEURIE – LA MADONE 75CL £36.00

    Dry and light with flowery aromas and strawberry fruits on the palate with an elegant finish


    Aromas of pineapple, banana, peach, and lime with creamy, fruity and refreshing palate – made in the Traditional Methode

  • PROSECCO DI MARIA 200mL £8.75 | 75CL 29.50

    A delightful easy drinking sparkler. A touch of retained sugar adds a pleasing sweetness to the crisp and aromatic palate

  • PINK PROSECCO DI MARIA 200mL £8.75 | £29.50

    Pink Prosecco! Light rose colour with a sophisticated and deep bouquet. Dry, soft and nicely balanced on the palate, complete and medium bodied structure


The apartment is reduced to £130 for the winter per night for 2 people plus £20 per extra

person to a maximum of £180.  £20 per stay Cleaning & Laundry Fee. 

Sleeps 8. Minimum stay 2 nights.

The Boro Air BNB flat sleeps 8.
One large room with a king size bed and 2 singles. A further double bedroom and a double sofa bed in the lounge.
The cost is £180 per night minimum stay 2 nights. There is a decked area to the rear with seating.
The outside area is a designated smoking area smoking is not permitted in the building.
We are dog friendly.

  Booked on behalf of my colleagues who were working at an event on the field opposite. Very conveniently located and they had a great stay. Thank you.

thumb Katie

  A great place to stay. Great location close to pubs and restaurants. Good food & drink available on site.
We were only here for a short visit as working in... read more

thumb David

  Flexible accommodation in a central location, v handy over the pub and in the centre of town.
Lovely helpful staff, so friendly.
Great place be prepared it certainly is quirky!... read more

thumb Amanda

  Comfortable accommodation in well positioned location for our weekend stay

thumb Clare

  Great stay at this interesting Airbnb
Sarah was very welcoming and so were all staff at Ancient Boro tapas beer venue below.
We were 2 couples celebrating birthdays and... read more

thumb Gerri

  The accommodation was perfect for our needs.

thumb Alison

  Stayed here with family the apartment was very clean and spacious. The location is fantastic for the town and the pub downstairs is great too. Thanks Sarah

thumb Ben

  Had a lovely 2 nights with my friend. Sarah left some milk for tea and coffee and a yummy fresh loaf, butter, jam and marmalade. Apartment is... read more

thumb Rema

  We were 2 couples staying in Tenterden for the festival so this was the perfect location for us. Quirky apartment with uneven flooring so if you're unsteady on your feet... read more

thumb Helen

star rating  A must visit for great Tapas with local Ales and great selection of Gin. - Went there after staying in a local hotel and was told that they did Tapas which my wife loves, so booked a table and went there on a Saturday night.... read more

avatar thumb Stephen O

star rating  The best Tapas! - Absolutely amazing food. We tried almost the entire menu! Really generous portions, everything cooked beautifully and delicious. All of the staff were so friendly and helpful. Thank you for a... read more

avatar thumb Samantha R

star rating  Sunday Tapas - We have had a quick drink here before but we decided to have a selection of tapas this time round , just like last time we received a lovely welcome,... read more

avatar thumb @203caz

star rating  Wow.  - I was not familiar with TAB until this trip. When I asked around the office what new places around Tenterden I should try, it was unanimous that I must go... read more

avatar thumb Eric P

star rating  This might be the best Tapas outside of Spain? - This was the third time we have been here. The food is excellent as are the staff. The menu has plenty to choose from. Our friend is vegetarian and... read more

avatar thumb Cherie K

star rating  Sunday Roast - Fabulous roast dinner. We all chose turkey with all the trimmings. If you are looking for an early Christmas lunch with friends or family this may be just the place... read more

avatar thumb Helen B

star rating  great find - recommended by a local , good range of tapas which were quickly served. also good range of draft ales . nice little place.

avatar thumb Filllua

star rating  Brilliant idea and delivery - We identified on line this being somewhere a little different for lunch, booked it and we were not disappointed, such a friendly welcome, a wide range of tapas dishes all... read more

avatar thumb roywolfman

star rating  WHAT A FIND!!! - Wow!! What a find! My sister, my cousin, my dog and myself visited this gem midweek & we had THE BEST lunch! So many great tapas dishes to choose from... read more

avatar thumb Hungry24/7
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  • Monday CLOSED
  • Tuesday 12 Midday – 10pm
  • | |
  • Wednesday 12 Midday – 10pm
  • Thursday 12 Midday – 10pm
  • Friday 12 Midday – 10pm
  • Saturday 12 Midday – 10pm
  • Sunday 12 Midday – 10pm


  • Monday CLOSED
  • Tuesday Lunch 12 MIDDAY - 2.30PM
  • Tuesday Dinner 5.30PM - 9PM
  • Wednesday 12 Midday – 9pm
  • Thursday 12 Midday – 9pm
  • Friday 12 Midday – 9pm
  • Saturday 12 Midday – 9pm
  • Sunday 12 Midday – 4pm

Sarah proudly supports The Big Wrap local charity. 

By hosting events across the year she has been able to help raise money and create awareness for this great cause.  

The Big Wrap supports families in the community to have an enjoyable Christmas who may be experiencing difficult times by providing gifts, festive items and vouchers.

If you are not aware of the charity please head over to their website for more information about the great work they do.

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